The most important element to understanding our philosophy for team development at Positive Outcomes, LLC is that we understand that the best thing we can do to ensure the highest level of client care is to prioritize staff care. They go hand in hand and you cannot have one without the other.

Core elements for ensuring staff care:

  • Consistency across scheduling and client caseload. This helps to ensure that staff remain well informed on a specific client's needs, as well as, working alongside family members. In other words, the overall quality of therapeutic time is enhanced. We don't work on weekends so that we can be at our very best throughout the week!
  • Benefits package that reduce an individuals life stress and thus, allow for a full focus client needs.
  • A team of individuals centered on a client's as individuals. This involves high-levels of supervision to support ongoing teaming that again, eliminates guesswork and supports clarity regarding individuals therapeutic programming.
  • Growth opportunities for individuals seeking further credentialing in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with high quality in-house supervision and oversight.
  • Finally, we don't overcommit ourselves and so are never looking to quickly "fill" a position but rather, always looking to add new high-quality members to join our team of professionals.

If you would like more information or to speak with anyone at our office to get your questions answered please call our office at Phone: 719-344-8756. Ask to speak with Chris or leave a message and we will be in touch right away!